forum I'm free and I don't know what to do.
Started by @Vuclan-is-tired

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So I just got out of a really toxic relationship and I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm really tired and pent up from the break up and I need help… Any suggestions?


Just relax. You're safe now. Take time for yourself. Find the damage done and work on slowly repairing yourself. Talk to someone you trust and just rant and let it out.

Remember: Focus on yourself. It's all about you now. Love and care for yourself. You need and deserve it.


No problem, dear. I've been where you are. I understand what it's like. You'll make it through this. You will, slowly but surely, heal with time and effort. ❤💕


It's Ace now.

I'm glad. Go spoil yourself. Take a bubble bath. Light some scented candles. Eat some chocolate. Do what makes you happy and enjoy your new freedom.

@HighPockets group

Watch something funny online.
I suggest Starkid musicals, especially The Trail To Oregon! and Twisted. Do something that makes you laugh and relax.


It's Ace now.

I'm glad. Go spoil yourself. Take a bubble bath. Light some scented candles. Eat some chocolate. Do what makes you happy and enjoy your new freedom.

Oof. Sorry Ace. I didn't know. And I will. IRS spring break for me now so that's good.