forum I’m bored... someone entertain me
Started by @Bluestar5

people_alt 6 followers


Looking for CLEAN entertainment… maybe describe your story idea, explain your characters backstory, tell me a funny story, or even give me an idea of something to do


Watch Tim Hawkins' Youtube videos!
He's hilarious and clean!

Oh I love Tim Hawkins, the only problem is I already watched all his videos lol


Seasons 1-6 are golden. Especially Operation Breakup, the Crayon Song, Homeschooler at Hogwarts, Shoulder Angel, and anything related to a fandom (Especially the HP fandom)

Thank you so much… just looked it up on YouTube. Now I Have a great way to spend the next few hours


Have I got a (real) story for you!
Well, yesterday, I started running cross-country. I told myself "it's for the gym credit. And it's just running! It can't be that terrible, right?"
I was wrong.
I have been walking like a 95 year old man everywhere I go, I have to use my arms to lift myself out of chairs, and running again today? It was hills day, and let's just say there was no way I was going to run all of those hills. I walked at least half of the distance, tongue stuck out of my mouth like a dog because a coach said "it opens up your throat so you can breathe". So here I am, panting, running on fumes, spitting out congealed saliva every so often, while watching the varsity kids basically dash past me.
So cross-country finished, and my mom picks me up to get dinner. That's pretty normal and all. I drowned myself in iced tea, and the evening forecast was pointing towards calm.
However, that was cut short when, limping from sore muscles, full of barbecue, and more tired than I care to admit, I sat down in the car… Directly onto a bee. I kid you not. There is a sudden sharp pain on my left butt cheek, and shocked, I immediately sit up to see this poor tiny bee scrambling around in the car seat. It barely flies away, and I'm left standing outside of my mom's car, laugh-crying in a double whammy of surprise and sudden pain. I feel the urge to curse, weep, and laugh at the same time. Being a person who is terrible at multitasking, I decided to take each one at a time.
Standing outside of the car still, I asked my mom if it was socially acceptable to curse, and then proceeded to let out the loudest f-bomb I ever have in my life. I then turned around and pulled up my shorts(to show my mom the sting. In a parking lot. With people on a patio about 20 feet away.) I also whipped out my half-empty lavender oil hand-sanitizer spray I keep on my person at all times(hey, sometimes, you're just too lazy(or sore) to get up and walk to the bathroom to clean your hands.) and asked my mom to spray me on the sting. She obliged. Finally, I gritted my teeth, slid down into the car, yanked the door shut(with a good degree of struggle), and proceeded to bawl at the top of my lungs for ten seconds. I narrowly survived the car ride home.

Currently, I sit here, typing this, with a halo around my left butt cheek, unable to sit up because my legs are far too sore. Hopefully that goes away soon.