forum I'm Bored... Someone come talk to me
Started by @saor_illust school

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@saor_illust school

^^ Read the title ^^

Hey! I'm Izzy, for any and all who don't know me! I love cats, and uh Les Mis but yeah! I'm bored, and I don't really want to start yet another rp but I do want to talk. Someone out there please join…


uh, yes hi hello, i see you around a lot and you seem really cool!!!
most of my internet friends either call me tori or itachi so either works !!! rainy is also acceptable since people tend to call me that here !
i also love cats uwu
and uh, i hope you're having a good day !!

Deleted user

yo, whats up Izzy, i'm fairly new here but i'd love to chat a little, though, just a little warning that i struggle with alexithymia

@saor_illust school

uh, yes hi hello, i see you around a lot and you seem really cool!!!
most of my internet friends either call me tori or itachi so either works !!! rainy is also acceptable since people tend to call me that here !
i also love cats uwu
and uh, i hope you're having a good day !!

aha yay! thanks rainy!

yo, whats up Izzy, i'm fairly new here but i'd love to chat a little, though, just a little warning that i struggle with alexithymia

oh that's totally fine! welcome!

Deleted user

ah okay, just wanted to apologize beforehand in case i say something insensitive or seem uninterested

Deleted user

i don't actually know lol I guess i'm normal? I mean, i'm not happy or sad or angry or anything so i guess just pretty neutral? i guess that counts as being okay

but um what about you? How are you? Done anything exciting? read any new books?-

sorry, books are just my favorite subject even though i don't get to read too much

@saor_illust school

i don't actually know lol I guess i'm normal? I mean, i'm not happy or sad or angry or anything so i guess just pretty neutral? i guess that counts as being okay

but um what about you? How are you? Done anything exciting? read any new books?-

sorry, books are just my favorite subject even though i don't get to read too much

haha that's fine! I recently read A Thousand Pieces of You, I recommend it!

Oh hey! I'm Reed!

Oh hey Reed! What about you? Anything exciting happen today?

Deleted user

Not much, just been doing some stuff to set up things.
I'm going to be the president of my school's first GSA, so I'm planning some activities.