forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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@HighPockets group

Moxie tends to Ace's wounds.

Lily receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) and Mosis talk about the tributes still alive.

Chris Hansen goes to sleep.

Owen questions her sanity.

Eris stays awake all night.

amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Nie thinks about home.

Miriam, Pickles, and Jupiter cheerfully sing songs together.

Dom receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Maddie cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Dr. Phil, Chey, and Lee rest by the fire.

Ella tends to Jyn's wounds.

Winter climbs a tree to announce to the world just how gay she is.

@HighPockets group

Lily dramatically describes their own appearance in the river's reflection to pass time.

Eris picks flowers.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) dies from an infection.

Jupiter's trap kills amy (the most wonderful woman in the world).

Pickles, Ace, and Lee hunt for other tributes.

Ella finds some corn. She puts it on a stick. It is a friend now. We stan Corn Friend.

Miriam turned herself into a pickle. She's Pickle Miriam. Miriam is a comedy fucking genius.

Mosis questions his sanity.

Dr. Phil tends to Nie's wounds.

Moxie chases Jyn.

Chey receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Maddie makes a wooden spear.

Chris Hansen, Winter, and Dom get into a fight. Winter triumphantly kills them both.

Owen decides to be sad in a corner.

@HighPockets group

The arena's border begins to rapidly contract.

Owen survives.

Thinking they could escape, Pickles and Ace attempt to run through the border together.

Nie survives.

Lee survives.

Moxie survives.

Chey survives.

Maddie restrains Dr. Phil to a tree and leaves him to die.

Jyn survives.

Ella survives.

Thinking they could escape, Lily and Miriam attempt to run through the border together.

Eris survives.

Winter survives.

Mosis survives.

Jupiter survives.

@HighPockets group

9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)
District 10

amy (the most wonderful woman in the world)
District 10

Chris Hansen
District 12

District 1

District 4

District 2

Dr. Phil
District 12

District 11

District 5

@HighPockets group

Jupiter cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Chey tries to kiss Owen. Owen murders her in her sleep.

Eris is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Winter passes out from exhaustion.

Mosis, Ella, and Moxie discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Lee destroys Nie's supplies while he is asleep.

Jyn and Maddie talk about the tributes still alive.

@HighPockets group

Mosis scares Jupiter off.

Nie sprains his ankle while running away from Owen.

Jyn hunts for other tributes.

Eris receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.

Moxie hunts for other tributes.

Maddie discovers a river.

Winter, Ella, and Lee start a war on the emus. They retreat.

@Pickles group

Thinking they could escape, Pickles and Ace attempt to run through the border together.

D:< Ace you dumbass why did you let us do that

@HighPockets group

Owen begs for Eris to kill her. She refuses, keeping Owen alive.

Winter pushes Jupiter off a cliff during a knife fight.

Ella and Jyn tell stories about themselves to each other.

Nie is awoken by nightmares.

Mosis questions his sanity.

Moxie convinces Lee to snuggle with her.

Maddie questions her sanity.

@HighPockets group

Moxie dies trying to escape the arena.

Winter makes a slingshot.

Lee searches for firewood.

Jyn questions her sanity.

Eris makes a wooden spear.

Nie's trap kills Owen.

Maddie diverts Mosis's attention and runs away.

Ella dies from hunger.

@HighPockets group

Lee tends to his wounds.

Eris attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Winter receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Mosis and Maddie talk about the tributes still alive.

Jyn convinces Nie to not kill her, only to kill him instead.

@HighPockets group

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Eris stabs Maddie with a tree branch.

Winter, Lee, and Jyn track down and kill Mosis.

@HighPockets group

I cannot believe I died in the same night as Death Man
can't believe you've done me like that

"Oh fuck, I can't believe you've done this-"