forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Our Lord And Savior diverts Jazz's attention and runs away.

trumpy wumpy overhears Ricardo and Barry talking in the distance.

Peppa chases Big Chungus.

W*rmanvil poisons Ounceler's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.

Ben hunts for other tributes.

X AE A-12 hunts for other tributes.

Hershey attacks Caillou, but he manages to escape.

The Zucc finds some corn. He puts it on a stick. It is a friend now. We stan Corn Friend.

Libtard gets caught in her own trap. Thanos laughs but frees her.

Squidward The Handsome and Onion Boy fight dw. phwowowax-senpai and Goku. Squidward The Handsome and Onion Boy survive.

Chris dies from an infection.


Peppa ambushes Hershey and kills him.

Ounceler, Squidward The Handsome, and trumpy wumpy sing songs together to lift the others' spirits. No one liked it.

The Zucc tries to sing himself to sleep.

Ricardo and Barry huddle for warmth.

Libtard tries to sing herself to sleep.

Our Lord And Savior fends Jazz, Ben, and X AE A-12 away from his fire.

Big Chungus goes to sleep.

Thanos receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Onion Boy climbs a tree to rest.

Caillou dies trying to escape the arena.


Libtard sprains her ankle while running away from Thanos.

Squidward The Handsome defeats Big Chungus in a fight, but spares his life.

Ricardo, Ounceler, and Onion Boy track down and kill The Zucc.

Ben steals from Peppa while she isn't looking.

Barry explores the arena.

trumpy wumpy discovers a river.

X AE A-12 accidentally burns himself.

Our Lord And Savior doesn't want to play this anymore. Our Lord And Savior wants to speak to the manager.

Jazz injures herself.


Thanos and Barry sleep in shifts.

Our Lord And Savior tries to treat his infection.

Ounceler is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Big Chungus and X AE A-12 threaten a double suicide. It fails and they die.

Peppa starts a fire.

Ricardo lets trumpy wumpy into his shelter.

Onion Boy and Squidward The Handsome tell stories about themselves to each other.

Jazz thinks about home.

Ben tends to Libtard's wounds. (cause you got roasteddddd)


Ounceler strangles Jazz with a rope.

Thanos searches for a water source.

Ricardo poisons trumpy wumpy 's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.

Barry sprains his ankle while running away from Onion Boy.

Our Lord And Savior decides to be sad in a corner.

Libtard explores the arena.

Peppa fishes.

Ben steals from Squidward The Handsome while he isn't looking.


Squidward The Handsome and Thanos talk about the tributes still alive.

Ben, trumpy wumpy , and Libtard discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Ounceler receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Onion Boy receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Our Lord And Savior thinks about winning.

Peppa quietly hums.

Barry loses sight of where he is.


Libtard makes a slingshot.

Thanos and trumpy wumpy swordfight each other with bubble wands. trumpy wumpy wins. Thanos falls into a deep depression upon his defeat.

Barry gets caught in his own trap. Squidward The Handsome laughs but frees him.

Ounceler searches for firewood.

Peppa and Ben split up to search for resources.

Onion Boy searches for a water source.

Our Lord And Savior fishes.


Our Lord And Savior kills trumpy wumpy while he is sleeping.

Ounceler receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Libtard, Peppa, and Onion Boy cheerfully sing songs together.

Ben, Squidward The Handsome, and Thanos sleep in shifts.

Barry looks at the night sky.


The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Libtard severely injures Peppa, but puts her out of her misery.

Thanos decides not to go to The Feast.

Ounceler decides not to go to The Feast.

Barry decides not to go to The Feast.

Our Lord And Savior decides not to go to The Feast.

Onion Boy attacks Squidward The Handsome, but Ben protects him, killing Onion Boy. (thank you ben)


Libtard thinks about home.

Ben goes hunting.

Our Lord And Savior turned himself into a pickle. He's Pickle Our Lord And Savior. Our Lord And Savior is a comedy fucking genius.

Barry hunts for other tributes.

Squidward The Handsome receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Ounceler travels to higher ground.

Thanos hunts for other tributes.


Ben, Ounceler, and Our Lord And Savior cheerfully sing songs together.

Libtard, Thanos, Squidward The Handsome, and Barry tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.


Ben tends to Squidward The Handsome's wounds.

Barry decapitates Thanos with a sword.

Ounceler's trap kills Libtard.

Our Lord And Savior tries to spear fish with a trident. (he just wants to fish, man)


Barry and Ben huddle for warmth.

Ounceler climbs a tree to rest.

Our Lord And Savior receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Squidward The Handsome thinks about winning.


Ben forces Squidward The Handsome to kill Barry or Our Lord And Savior. He refuses to kill, so Ben kills him instead.

Ounceler injures himself.