forum I'm bored let's bring back the notebook hunger games
Started by @The-N-U-T-Cracker

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Day 4.

Eddie hunts for other tributes.

MnM kills Michael with a hatchet. (Mir your hero avenged you)

Daisy dies from hypothermia.

Maddie and Keanu work together for the day.

Demi steals from Katy while she isn't looking.

Robert tries to sleep through the entire day.

Morgan and Chris work together for the day.

Malina sets an explosive off, killing Gordon, Taylor, and Jane.

J.K Rowling decapitates dw. daddy phwowowax-chan with a sword. (NOOOO)

Pedo Slayer runs away from Ben.

Lauren camouflauges herself in the bushes.


7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 3

District 10

District 7

District 6

District 8

District 4

dw. daddy phwowowax-chan
District 12

(sigh what are we gonna do without dw daddy phwowowax-chan…)


Night 4.

Chris severely injures Keanu and leaves him to die.

Maddie receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

MnM climbs a tree to rest.

Robert cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Ben stays awake all night.

Malina and Pedo Slayer huddle for warmth.

Lauren passes out from exhaustion.

Demi looks at the night sky.

J.K Rowling receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Katy begs for Morgan to kill her. He refuses, keeping Katy alive.

Eddie thinks about home.


Day 5.

J.K Rowling discovers a cave.

Lauren receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Pedo Slayer defeats MnM in a fight, but spares his life.

Malina practices her archery.

Eddie practices his archery.

Ben attacks Chris, but he manages to escape.

Morgan stalks Robert.

Demi kills Katy with a sickle.

Maddie collects fruit from a tree.


Night 5.

MnM loses sight of where he is.

Robert screams for help.

Demi dies from hypothermia.

Maddie stays awake all night.

Ben lets Morgan into his shelter.

Pedo Slayer destroys J.K Rowling's supplies while she is asleep.

Lauren receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Malina cries herself to sleep.

Chris tries to treat his infection.

Eddie questions his sanity.

@Pickles group

Malina and Pedo Slayer huddle for warmth.

You know, something about this isn't quite right and I'm guessing that it's she's 17 and it's his job to go after people that do stuff like that


Killing Dr. Phlorax is the best thing JKR has done lately
Mainly because she sucks


how could you say such things about that gorgeous specimen


Day 6.

Lauren thinks about home.

MnM overhears Morgan and Ben talking in the distance.

Chris receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Pedo Slayer travels to higher ground.

Eddie hunts for other tributes.

Robert discovers a cave.

Maddie fishes.

J.K Rowling strangles Malina after engaging in a fist fight.

@HighPockets group

Killing Dr. Phlorax is the best thing JKR has done lately
Mainly because she sucks


how could you say such things about that gorgeous specimen

I thought you meant JKR at first and I was thoroughly confused-