forum I'm bored and want to chat Tumblr and Nonsense...
Started by Cameron

people_alt 15 followers


I once farted really loud in class during a test and everyone laughed at me, including the teacher who was simultaneously trying to explain that it's natural and I shouldn't be embarrassed. How the hell did she expect that when my whole class was roaring with laughter? XD It's funny now that I look back, but never again do I want that to happen.


One time I was in class just sitting on my phone, watching Rick and Morty, and my teacher thought she could try and make an example of me since I'd been slacking off all day….
So she asked me to explain what the Fifth Canto of Dante's Inferno was about. Lucky for me I'm an avid fan of Dante's work, even before class. And I broke down literally the whole Inferno part of the Divine Comedy for the class, and now I can use my phone whenever.


@shurikenwolfbadass_13 That reminds me of my trig teacher, he sent people to the principal just for seeing or hearing a phone, even if you weren't using it. There was this kid in my class who didn't do his homework, and we graded our own papers; he would say he got a 95%-100%, and then use his phone the whole period. Never caught, but I had a dream that the teacher did catch him and chucked his phone against the wall. XD I apparently found him super annoying.


Nice stories. I Don’t have anything that interesting other then i fell asleep in my science class and had an email home, the catch is i was in year 4 not even in high school yet!