Started by Deleted user

people_alt 2 followers

Deleted user

Could you judge an RP plot for meh?

Sure! I may even join.


So theres a group of people who have created a whole village/civilization in the woods. These woods have never been visited by other humans…until now. These new people come with chainsaws and big trucks, determined to cut down every tree in the forest. What happens when the village finds out? Will they fight, stand their ground, or become overwhelmed and leave what they've known their whole lives….?

Deleted user

That sounds great! Is there religion, or a deity of some sort, or….? I dunno, it would add to the plot. Or not, sometimes it just makes the RP awkward.

Deleted user

Okay, past, future, alien society, people who are also humans???

Deleted user

~ I was wondering if after all you'd like to RP with me…

Deleted user

(I don't actually have an RP, I just automatically filled that in.)

Deleted user

Well mine Celestine, but your name is still…cool

Deleted user

That's a nice name! Do you know anyone with funny names?

Deleted user

I new some twins (a boy and a girl) whose names were Hunter and Sky, it was an interesting choice for names. I also know this guy named Hunter Fisher, literally.

Deleted user

And my first and last name are just one letter off that I usually, by accident, write one of the names twice.