forum I Just Want To Say Something
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Hello! I know I'm not very well known and that I don't RP with many people. But for those I do RP with and for those who are waiting on a moodboard, I am sorry.
I don't normally do this but for some reason I've just been really off lately. I'm not leaving or anything, I just want to give a reason why I might be taking a while to reply.
I've noticed lately that I haven't had motivation for much lately, school work included. I need to focus on my school work and I just want to say that if you've replied to an RP, I do have your tab open. I'm not ignoring you, I often just open it and then get distracted by something.
I have so much going on in my head that it's already hard enough to focus on school work when I need to. I also have work to do and that just pops up and interrupts my plans.
I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm not ignoring you. I want to reply to our RPs, but I just get distracted by other things. I'm not trying to blow you off or anything, but if it's been a couple days and I haven't replied - it's coming, something just came up.