Started by TordDaSmolCommie

people_alt 4 followers


I like being everywhere. But I also feel like I'm being annoying when I'm everywhere……ya see my problem? But I like being positive because it makes others happy which make me happy so circle of positivity! Lol


Heyo! All my RPs are currently inactive .-.

Mine too………….and some of my rps need more people…..


This is random but do you ever look back on things you did in life, recent or many many years ago, and you just want to slap yourself for how stupid you were? 'Cause I feel like that all the time.

Deleted user

I'm sicko and have a headache and just want to read then go to bed but I have active rps.


If anyone is looking for (another lol) rp I have one that rlly needs more ppl it's called M O R A L L Y G R A Y


I'm sicko and have a headache and just want to read then go to bed but I have active rps.

Ouch. Hope you get better!

Deleted user

Thank you… Yeah it sucks, but at least it's summer.
…I dunno why I'm saying that, it should suck more because it's summer, and either way I'm homeschooled so either way I'd be at home…