forum I just noticed that none of my characters are straight.
Started by @Lynnnnn

people_alt 6 followers


I just realized none of my characters are strait. I guess write what you know and I know gays cause I'm a gay. Anyone else like this or is it just me?

Deleted user

i have like

one straight

the rest are either pan, bi, or just gay

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Honestly when I finally become a published author, straight people are gonna be so angry.


no fucks

@Riorlyne pets

There are plenty of books with only straight characters, so you're free to write what you want. As for getting published, to quote the website of a publishing house in the country I live in:

Stories from authors who identify as diverse (eg. minority ethnic background, LGBTIQA, living with disability) are especially welcome. [emphasis mine]

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I have a weird obsession with lesbians. Every time I write a romantic subplot there's always that one side of me that thinks 'hey what if this was really gay?'. I read too much yuri