forum I honestly dunno
Started by @.The.Girl.Who.Lived.

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That's cool. I love writing, and I try to take it as seriously as I can but at the moment I've been dealing with self-esteem issues and I'm worried about getting hate or criticism.
I'm trying to get better in that aspect of my writing but it's very stressful for me.


Sophia Queens, or as her friends called her, Saffi, was never one for big adventures. If you wanted to find her she would most likely be in her treehouse reading about romance or fantasy. But one day, that all changed. She felt different. . . she was changing.
It started out as small nagging feeling in the back of her mind like she was meant to be someone different. And it soon turned into something she could not stop thinking about. It made her sick, her head hurt all the time and she kept having dreams . . . of someone. But she swore she had never seen him before in her life.
Until she was walking home from school and saw him sitting on a bus stop bench. He had auburn hair with bright baby blue eyes, just like she did. He looked around her age, 14 or 15, and as soon as she walked past him his eyes shot right to her face. He studied her, not looking away for a full minute.
Saffi didn’t know what to do, but she didn’t want to leave and risk not seeing him again so she smiled slightly and nodded at him.
“S-Sophie . . .?”, he stuttered.
Only her mother had ever called her Sophie before, and it startled her. Her smile faded and she looked at him with a strong curiosity.
“Uh yeah . . . that’s me. You look familiar, and I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t know who you are,” she responded. She usually had a strong sense of confidence in her voice, but it was all gone. She stared at him trying to remember where she had seen him, other than her dreams of course, but couldn’t figure it out.
He patted the seat next to him, motioning for her to sit. “It’s me Sophie, Jenson . . . your brother,” he looked her straight in the eyes, and as soon as he said that her mind started buzzing.
She was remembering things. He was her brother. She saw flashbacks of them walking through the woods together, playing together when they were children.
All of these memories coming back at this quick of a rate made her feel like she might collapse, or even pass out. She grabbed on to the back of the bench closing her eyes tightly. “I . . . I remember,” she whispered weakly.


Here goes nothin…

“Good,” the boy blurted, “I mean . . . I’m glad. I’ve missed you, ever since you left me alone in the forest. I-I thought I would never find you.” He was shaking, obviously as nervous talking to her as she was to him
What does he mean, she thought. She had never seen him before in her life, or so she thought. She had grown up with only a mother, just her, not a brother. But with the dreams, and sudden memories, she knew it had to be true. But how?
“I’m sorry, but what? I didn’t even know you before today, and now you’re going to come here and tell me you’re my brother,” she dragged out the word brother, finding it hard to accept. “And if I never knew you how would I of ever been able to leave you,” she was crying, she couldn’t hold it in anymore. This was all too much.
“Sophie, what do you mean you don’t remember . . .? We grew up together, just you and me. We fought together and supported each other . . . well until a year ago I mean.” His voice was calm. He spoke to her like she was one of her mother’s pieces of valuable china and anything too sudden could break her.
“I don’t know, I’ve been having dreams lately. I’ve seen you, we were walking in the woods, and just last night I had one of us when we were both young playing in a pile of dirt. I don’t know what's going on . . .” Sophia admitted. She wiped off her tear-filled eyes with the hem of her shirt and refused to look at Jenson.
“Oh Sophie, I’m so sorry. I wish I could help you . . .” He stood up suddenly grabbing her hand “Wait, I might be able to a little bit. Follow me.”
Reluctantly Sophia followed him. He led her through many alleyways and fields, and after she felt as if they’d been running for more than twenty minutes he stopped.
They were outside a gas station, well at least it used to be a gas station. This place looked like no one had been inside for at least a few years. What are we doing here Sophia wondered, looking at Jenson with a confused look.
“I’ve traveled for a year to find you, as you know, but there’s something I think you really should see. Follow me.” He walked into the gas station, not even looking back to see if she was following.
She ran after him, he led her into a back room that at one point may have been a break room for employees. From outside the place looked beat up and old, but here, it was a totally different story. The room was completely cleaned. It had beautiful furniture and a counter full of snacks, but what surprised her the most were the pictures. There were maybe thirty pictures filling a wall, some were of just her, just Jenson, but the one that confused her the most was a picture of two very nicely dressed people.
There was a man and a woman, maybe in about their thirties, Sophia couldn’t tell exactly. They were standing in front of what looked like a huge mansion, there were hills and a stable in the picture also. Jenson grabbed a glass of water and handed it to me, pulling me over to a couch and telling me to sit.
“Who are those people?” Sophia questioned.
“Oh, them…? That’s mom and dad . . . before they died.” Anyone talking to him at that point could tell that he was holding back tears.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Sophia looked down at the couch, feeling horrible for bringing it up.
“It’s fine, after everything you forgot I wouldn’t expect you to remember. We were young, you were six I was seven. And now to explain why I brought you here.” He had a pained look on his face, Sophia could tell he wasn’t about to tell her the whole truth.
Sophia nodded slightly, her eyes wandering around the room. The more she looked the more it seemed familiar like she’d been somewhere exactly like it in the past. She looked at Jenson, waiting for him to begin explaining.
“This room is an exact replica of the last place we lived before mom and dad died,” he started. “I mean other than the pictures it’s completely the same.” He grabbed a pillow from the couch and hugged it close to his chest. His eyes confused Sophia, sometimes they made him look confident. Other times they were full of pain. Just looking at them you could tell he’d gone through horrible things, some she may have caused.
