forum I haven't been on here for about a year
Started by @Brooklyn_Is_Here

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Hello, I'm Brooklyn or Lafayette/Sweater Weather, End of the line, etc. I went by many many names. I use to be really active on here about 2 years ago before I stopped in order to get mental help. However, I'm back now and this site has changed a lot. I look forward to seeing and meeting both old and new members on here! :D

@saor_illust school


I'm one of the newer members, joined bout 9-10 months ago
I'm Izzy, nice to meet you!!

I'm glad you got the help you needed, too!! (as none of us are professionals aha)

Deleted user

Ooooh! That's wonderful, congrats! 🎉
I'm Tiramisu, by the way, and I actually came back after being inactive as well. It's nice to meet you!

Also I have yet to experience graduation…. :/


Yeah, I've been a lot better now, and I just graduated Middle School a couple of weeks ago!

that's awesome, same!!

Dude I'm sooooo ready for High School! I can't wait!

Deleted user

Don't do drugs, don't drink. And uhh, make some cool upperclassmen friends!
It was easy for me because I was part of my school's band and all four grades were together, so making friends in different grade levels was easy. Also we had this kind of group made up of juniors and seniors that helped freshmen on their transition to high school.
I'm not sure what the situation is with your school, but most certainly don't get involved with drinking and drugs. Because it can ruin your life.

And one more thing – this may sound super stressful because it was for me – learn how to drive as soon as you can. There's so much you can do when you can drive yourself and you don't need your parents to cart you around everywhere.

But that's all I have to say.

@saor_illust school

Aha yeah, I get that. I still think it's unfair that the 7th graders, ahem, I mean technically 8th graders get to wander around the new middle school that's still in construction rn after we graduate jklsfdjkldsf

But I mean,
they did do the same with the high school,
and I know exactly three rooms in there (because of an outside-of-school orchestra that rehearses there)
so that's nice


I've heard so many crazy stories from high school I'm going to, but all my friends say that its a pretty good school. When I shadowed there, the people seemed really nice!
Thank you for the advice!


Hi welcome back! I'm glad you're better now. I don't think we've met before but I'm Sam.