forum I have no life! Wanna talk?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 3 followers

Deleted user

Yea no I have been sitting here staring at my ceiling for the past hour and wondering if anyone wants to chat about random things, as long as racial slurs aren’t used I really don’t care what we talk about.

Deleted user

Eh, bored and just looking to talk. Which is weird for me because talking to me is just like Shudders
How about you

Deleted user

Projects kinda suck huh? Sometimes they’re fun but other times it’s just “urrrgh work”

Deleted user

Spoken like a true introvert
(Yea I would say I am not interesting either so it’s not just you)

Deleted user

Takes one to know one. I am an extremely awkward and silent person, and I have said what you have said before.
(Ahhh yes I am being very awkward)


Same! It's like someone talks to me in real life and I'm awkwardly stumbling over my words. Someone talks to me online and I'm just like: "AAYYY what's up y'all!!" ._. Yeah, there is a slight difference. Really hard to notice. :P

Deleted user

Yea, although we have an advantage online and with a website to sit and think about what we are going to say. Other people in real life want a very quick conversation. Like “BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM!”

Deleted user

Yea it’s just like “dude, slow your roll for like, 2 seconds”

Deleted user

Yea same. Other times it’s they explain it. Then my brain is just like “you don’t need to know what they just said” and then forget


Ooohhh I hate that! It's like our brains don't want to remember, like "That's not important, forget it." Another thing sucks is when your trying to listen to someone else and then another person tries to talk to you. So it's like you don't want to ignore the person trying to talk to you but you want to respond the the person your listening to. Then my brain doesn't want to work and I just shut down. Lol, the stress!

Deleted user

Yea! Hate it when that happens because people i am around are just like “be normal”

Deleted user

Good night to you too it’s 1 am and I really should sleep as well