forum I have a question.
Started by @Natasha

people_alt 4 followers


Is it bad to have a mental disorder?
I mean people act like it
I have social anxiety/anxiety
And I'm afraid to tell my parents and friends.


girl no
of course not
its normal and valid and so many people have it
its like…being lactose intolerant?
it just happens. not good or bad. just a thing
i dont know bad analogy but you get it
you're valid
and perfect


I just feel like a failure
And it's hard to explain to others why I'd rather be alone in my room
Because I'm embarrassed and ashamed
And because I just can't talk to people without my brain freaking out

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Of course, it's not a bad thing. We're all created differently; it's what makes us unique! Whatever struggles you go through are what make you you, and nobody in their right mind should ever think that's not okay.