forum I Have A Challenge For All You Musical Geniuses

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you’d have to have somebody to do post production because that’s fine for capturing audio but quite terrible for anything else because it’s so limited

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Ah, yeah. I'm pretty new to recording stuff, mostly due to my preference of live performance.

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A program is one thing; but you need legit condenser mics to be able to record solid vocals that won’t sound like you don’t know what you’re doing

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you need an audio interface as well. Getting industry quality audio can’t be accomplished if you don’t have the correct gear

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what recording program are you using?
What audio interface do you have? And do you have anyone to do mixing/mastering

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usually you’re working with physical mixing boards when it comes to live sound. If there’s any effects being used, there’s a high probability that it has nothing to do with a program, and is just a bunch of outboard gear

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in most recording programs, stock instruments, especially orchestral instruments are pretty terrible and unrealistic LOL

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logic pro’s strings section stock instruments are actually pretty realistic if you know what you’re doing though

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with strings sections, unlike what some people do, to get it to sound right you can’t play straight 1, 3, 5 triads. It Has to be more open