forum I Have a Boy Problem...Someone Help
Started by @Lunar_Eclipse

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OKAY! I like this guy on my swim team. But…I dont know if he likes me. Sometimes he will talk to me, but I think he is just being friendly. Buuuut, one day he asked me how I like being homeschooled. I never told him I was homeschooled. So there are three ways he would have figured that out.
1) He asked someone seeking out information about me.
2) He was looked for me at school and came to the conclusion I was homeschooled.
3) Someone was talking about me and he overheard.
But like two out of three ways he purposefully was looking for information about me.

confused internal screaming

Also one day, the swim team was doing dolphin dives. (Our pool is shallow on one side and deep the other we only dolphin dive the shallow side) but anyway I decided to dolphin dive the deep end. He asked me if he could do it with me. I wasnt gonna say no. I like the guy. But afterwards he was saying things like, "Its so beautiful down there." In full honesty he was being kinda romantic. (Also everyone else already got out of the pool so we were pretty much alone) I'm just so confused. One day he will be dropping subtle hints like he kinda likes me. But other days he will won't even look at me.

Im so confused and lost. And I dont wanna get one of my friends to ask him if he likes me cause it just seems kinda amateur. I also dont want to ask him straight up if he likes me cause that will get pretty awkward. (I have to see him everyday.)I dont know what to do! Anyone have any suggestions on to do??

(Sorry to just drop this, but like…I need help and friends arent helping. They just keep saying that he definitely likes me…but I dont knooowww!!)

Also if you could care less about my stupid boy problems…just ignore me, I'm complaining. I never actually really liked someone with the chance of them liking me back. I'm lost…


Think of it this way. As a dude, I assume that this guy actively sought out information because he genuinely wants to talk to you. I would call him out whenever he brings up something that you didn't tell him and catch him off-guard. What to do after that… I have no idea. I've never actually been in a relationship with anyone before. Judging by what he told you, my guess is that he really likes you. Go for it! I wish you the best!

I also hope this guy isn't secretly a Ted Bundy acolyte.


Thank you for the help! I will definitely try to call him out if he does that again. This makes me really nervous, cause like I have had crushes before…but as soon as there is a chance they like me too, I'm really confused and lost on what to do.

Oof…me too.