forum I don't know what to write next???!!!

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Okay, so I have this character who is part of a circus troupe.
She never knew her mother.
Her father was killed by sky pirates. (Sky pirates are pirates that sail in airships)
She vowed revenge on all pirates.
Turns out her mother is one.

Unsure what to do next, like for a main plot and such.

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Also, magic is present in my story, but only my MC can use it (Well, I mean, others can use magic but she's the only one that actively uses it so far.)

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(I may give my other characters magical abilities, who knows?)

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Her mother tries to persuade her to join her in stealing and plundering but she doesn't want to. She steals a ship and is accompanied by one of the pirates that hated his lifestyle and wanted to be a writer. Her mother and her crew continue to chase them and there is a big battle. If you are going to add magic, may I suggest fireballs and water manipulation?

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Her mother tries to persuade her to join her in stealing and plundering but she doesn't want to. She steals a ship and is accompanied by one of the pirates that hated his lifestyle and wanted to be a writer. Her mother and her crew continue to chase them and there is a big battle. If you are going to add magic, may I suggest fireballs and water manipulation?

First off: Good start, you've got me interested. I'm probably going to use those ideas, but I've edited a few.
Now, as for the mother. Loss of a father, she would probably seek connection from any source despite it's origins. The facts are all there. The mother would be a very famous pirate but not the type to kill or kidnap, she would most likely take her daughter captive when she realized who she was. She would probably have two, maybe three friends/companions so the idea of a pirate trying to be a writer won't be needed, and either way it had low plausibility. Pirates go looking for trouble, they don't write novels. As for the powers, water manipulation I like but that's not really the type of magic I'm going for, and fireballs are to generic. Any other ideas?

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Yeah, but do you have any other ideas for abilities? I'm still stuck on that one.

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Yeah, still not really going for that. Not my type of magic.

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Ooh, that sounds good! And other ideas, I want her to have a general magic as well tho.

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Question, sorry to intrude, but do you think that using a mirror as a portal is too cliche and second, so in my story there is a village sitting on top of water and the water is going to act like putty. I also want them to have advanced technology and basic things like dirt and sand is going to be rare, but I don't know how I would make this work and what would hold the buildings together.

@Chameleon the Slytherpuff and Slitherpuff

Using a mirror as a portal, in my opinion, is not to cliche, but if you want to change it then perhaps you might try changing it to a staff? If sand is rare that means windows would be rare as well, so I might want to rethink the dirt and sand would be a rare thing. I like the water putty thing, that's good. If you want it to be futuristic then your characters might have to wear special shoes because if they didn't they would slide around like walking on ice or jello. If you really want dirt and sand to be rare, then it might be because they were used a lot, so the buildings could be made out of glass and the only dirt left is being used for farming and it's running out because of overuse so it's turning to bad to use for anything. Your main characters might have to set out on a quest to find good planting dirt. Good ideas?

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The only reason I'm thinking about this is because like EVERYTHING in my world is backwards and like upside down and stuff and I also think that's cliche and like I'm afraid that it's overused?