forum I desperately need to make this meme, help me out
Started by @Moxie group

people_alt 51 followers

@Moxie group

Y'know the meme that like categorizes people by whether or not they can say fuck? Yeah I wanna make that one for notebook people
Tell me where you think you fall
Catagories are:

  1. Regularly says fuck
  2. Has sworn off saying fuck, but has said it at some point
  3. Has not said fuck before, but can if so desired
  4. Has not said fuck before and refuses to say it
  5. Legally can not say fuck

I already know where some of you fall for this so if you think you fall under something that I don't have in my head, I'm going with what I had (thats only like two people tho)
Don't take it too seriously. Les go

@Rvan group

When you write ‘said’, do you mean vocally saying it out loud, or using the word? Because I’m a three if physically saying it, but I’m a one if it counts writing the word

@Moxie group

When you write ‘said’, do you mean vocally saying it out loud, or using the word? Because I’m a three if physically saying it, but I’m a one if it counts writing the word

I mostly mean on notebook, so ig the second one?


(Ella has said fuck before??? QUA??)
Ima 1 babyy… I need to stop. Although I say it way more out loud than online, so… 2, then?

@HighPockets group

No Ella is a five
I’ve decided
(Remember, this is a joke people. It’s more like general vibe than how things actually are)

Good point.
Ella is legally not allowed to swear. She's too hecking wholesome.