forum I can't believe I've been silent this long, oops
Started by @Desert-Of-Rust language

people_alt 47 followers

@saor_illust school

How are you all doing today?

Welp sorry for the late response but I'm doing okay, how are you?

I'm doing well, preparing for dinner with the boys

That's good to hear

Deleted user

two traumaversaries in the next week i can’t wait.. -cries internally-

Deleted user

and the worst part is i can’t get in here for support during it
-accepts awkward hug/
thanks nie <3

@Desert-Of-Rust language

wassup, I'm back from dinner with the boys and it was great, full of me kicking everyone's collective ass while playing Cards Against Humanity
and then I was schooled when we played Bullshit
but we're not going to talk about that
I'm sorry you have to deal with that, Nia. Traumaversaries are never fun, and to have them in such close succession is heartwrenching. I wish you the strength to persevere through next week


Me tooooo but for totally different reasonsssssssss.

  1. I'm so sorry that's happening to you, Nia. I really hope you can still have some good moments while you're out.
  2. That dinner sounds really fun! I love playing BS and I would play Cards Against Humanity but I'm 14 so I'm not really allowed to do that (btw I've tried, it is really fun)