Started by @amber_is_in_a_loop

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OKAY SO there's this amazing musical called Falsettos. Two of the main characters, Whizzer and Marvin, are a couple and they are among the most beautiful couples in the world of Broadway. So they'er happy-ish until they fight and break up. Skip to Act 2, two years later. Whizzer turns up at Marvin's son's (he used to have a wife) baseball game and then THE FLAME REKINDLES. So they get back together. FYI Whizzer is a fantastic tennis player. So there's this scene where one of their friends who is a doctor is singing about the AIDS epidemic which is just starting out.
Then skip a couple scenes and Whizzer and Marvin are playing tennis. Marvin is winning which NEVER EVER happens. Whizzer is really out of breath and Marvin is taunting him, and Whizzer tries to quit but Marvin teases him and Whizzer says 'Fine, I'm ready to go.' He starts running and then FUCKING COLLAPSES ON THE SPOT. Marvin goes to him and Whizzer apologises to him but Marvin sings 'You're all I want' and it's just beautiful. Skip to the hospital and Whizzer. Has. Fucking. AIDS.
He's alone and sings this song called 'You gotta die sometime' and starts crying and like…. Whizzer doesn't cry. And then Marvin's son Jason walks in and he's brought his Barmitzvah to the hospital since Whizzer couldn't come and I had to pause it and wipe tears