forum I also want to comic but have no plot
Started by @Lupout

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So i have these three girl oc’s i keep drawing lately, Danni, Meg and Laura, and i kind of think it would be fun to draw them in a slice of life style comic, but i dont really have a plot idea

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What are their personalitys like? Can I help???


So Danni is a bit of a tom boy, she’s got long wavy hair but dresses a little bit messier. Megan is a cinnamon role. And Laura is edgy but has a secret softside. Meg and Danni are best friends.

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Do you have a specific type of genre in mind for your comic?


Im thinking slice of life, so like day in the life of some high school kids, however id be open to a magical element to the story. Maybe they could all be modern witches (like that urban magic tumblr tag). I don’t have a super defined idea, just want the plot to center around their friendship dynamic.

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So something like, they are actually junior witches that don't exactly excell at magic yet, and so they are always making huge (magic related) mistakes and trying to (Secretly) fix them before the outside world realizes that magic exists.

(They can accidentally turn a boy into a frog or somthing , and in the end they actually have to kiss him to turn him back. Or they enchant a broomstick but aciddentally lose it. And the next thing you know there are three 7 year olds "doing prank flying stunts" and uploading them online. Or they reanimate a unicorn in their "secret school cult magic club", but don't know how to make it disappear so they raid the school theatre closet for costumes and later have a horse wearing a toga, and eyepatch and a huge Victorian lady's tea hat, and everyone else is like 😲wahh??) (But you could probably make it alot more interesting.)(and teamwork can be the main focus)

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Basicly like "Wizards of Waverly Place" school version.


I might draw up some formal charcater pictures and link some character profiles for the girls so that everyone who wants to help can get a feel for what’s going on