forum Hunger Games Simulator
Started by @Euric_Knight

people_alt 47 followers


Night 2

Crystal cooks her food before putting her fire out.

Vox stays awake all night.

Brynn, Jada, Fred, Arron, and Euric sleep in shifts.

Emma is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Noodle looks at the night sky.

Red, Shuri, Sketch, Gracehustle, and Ravens sleep in shifts.

Ella receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Mokomorin attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.

Logan tends to his wounds.

Bec severely slices Tartar sauce with a sword.


Day 3

Vox collects fruit from a tree.

Gracehustle begs for Jada to kill her. She refuses, keeping Gracehustle alive.

Emma and Sketch fight Brynn and Bec. Brynn and Bec survive.

Logan receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Fred collects fruit from a tree.

Crystal sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Ella stalks Shuri.

Ravens travels to higher ground.

Arron, Euric, and Noodle hunt for other tributes.

Red receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor


(OH SHOOT. I just realized Starlight was in my district as well. I just cut the chance of district 3 winning in half.)

@Becfromthedead group

Oh my god, I'm in this arena trying to garden or something. First I grab a shovel, then I pick flowers, beg for death, and find a water source to take care of my plants…


Arena Event

Wolf mutts are let loose in the arena.

Noodle survives.

Bec survives.

Brynn survives.

Shuri survives.

Crystal survives.

Ella knocks Jada out and leaves her for the wolf mutts.

Ravens pushes Logan into a pack of wolf mutts.

As Fred and Red fight, a pack of wolf mutts show up and kill them both.

Arron survives.

Vox survives.

Euric knocks Gracehustle out and leaves her for the wolf mutts.

Deleted user

(Rip. Sorry Starlight. ._.)

I knew I was a deep sleeper… ut that? That's stupid.the


(Rip. Sorry Starlight. ._.)

I knew I was a deep sleeper… ut that? That's stupid.the

I'll do another round, so keep yourself tuned in!


Fallen Tributes 3

9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 11

Tartar sauce
District 10

District 12

District 3

District 9

District 4

District 12

District 7

District 5


(This is only for the living people)

Bec has the most kills, with a body count of 3

Ella, Ravens, Brynn, and Euric share second, each with 2 kills

Crystal and Arron each have one kill

Shuri, Noodle, and Vox all have no kills.

All of district 1 is alive. All of district 2 is alive. None of district 3 is alive. None of district 4 is alive. Half of district 5 is alive. Half of district 6 is alive. Half of district 7 is alive. All of district 8 is alive. None of district 9 is alive. None of district 10 is alive. Half of district 11 is alive. None of district 12 is alive.


Night 3

Noodle is awoken by nightmares.

Arron receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Vox, Shuri, and Ravens discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Brynn, Crystal, and Euric cheerfully sing songs together.

Ella thinks about home.

Bec attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Deleted user



Day 4

Ravens kills Brynn with her own weapon.

Arron, Shuri, Ella, Bec, and Vox hunt for other tributes.

Crystal travels to higher ground.

Noodle discovers a cave.

Euric is pricked by thorns while picking berries.