forum how to write a mystery?
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

i have to write a mystery for a class and i'm a little lost, we talked about common mystery elements like buried clues and quiet suspects, but if anyone has any further advice i'd love to hear it.

Deleted user

How long does your mystery have to be? Do you just have to come up with a mystery, or write a story about it?


Ive personally always thought its been easier to write a mystery story not knowing who the murder or whoever is until the very end. Then I go back and little hints. That way its less predictable for the reader, because if you didn't know who it was while writing it then how are they supposed to know while reading it, right? Well, at least that's my mentality. I don't know if it will work for you, but good luck with your story!

Deleted user

i need 3-8 pages, so not very long. and the mystery has to have a story with "vibrant and lovable characters, settings, and descriptions"


^^^ That's honestly a great idea, Mochi.

My advice is if you want to add a Gothic feel/element to your horror story:

  • Over describe things
  • Under describe things
  • Focus on faces and odd bodies
  • Eyes, lips, teeth, hair, nails/fingers
  • Death and sickness have certain smells
  • Dark or contrasting aesthetics are your friend
  • Uncertainty is the scariest thing

Deleted user

thanks! do you guys think i should go with a more realistic one, or a scarier horror one? would that even count as a mystery?


how would one work a mystery into a horror story?

It depends on if it's realistic poor or not. If it's not realistic, your best bet is to do something like Supernatural. If it is realistic, you might as well do something like a murder mystery.

Deleted user

You could always do a really horrifying mystery. With gruesome killings or a terrifying creature. And it's a mystery who's doing the killings…..or something XD