forum How to start a story
Started by megan

people_alt 2 followers


Lately I have been having trouble properly introducing my story. The first paragraph of my stories are very important for me because they help me adequately set the scene. If anyone has any techniques or suggestions for what I could do, I would very much appreciate it.


Hey,Megan,I'm sort of new to the whole writing thing but I can give you techniques on how to make it sound like a proper story.

  1. Use bigger words
    You can look through a dictionary or something,you just need to use better vocabulary.
  2. Describe the scene.
    For example,if it was a beautiful day out you can just say something like "It's a start of a brand new beautiful day in (An Area). The birds are chirping outside,kids laughing,people having breakfast,etc.
  3. Introduce small characters first.
    I did this but you don't have to but basically I had a village and I introduced random people in the village. They don't have much to do with the rest of the story but it's nice to get it going like a movie. Like villagers speaking to each other and stuff.

That's all I have so far, I can tell you more when I think of things. Good luck ^-^