forum How to be more confident? HEeLp
Started by @InfinityCry*

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….. fake it till you make it…?????? thats all ive ever done when it comes to social situations.
ummm idk what else, idk if this is what you mean by not doing stuff on your own but, find a friend to support you as you do a thing, have them come with you and you do the thing?
also, it's not a bad thing to need help with something. we all have things we struggle with. we all need help with something and that's okay.

@Rvan group

Maybe style you hair a different way? Personally, I just stick eyebuds in and listen to music, I feel like that makes me confient in some ways… idk…

Deleted user

pretend you are wearing a cape at all times, that is billowing in the wind


Maybe style you hair a different way? Personally, I just stick eyebuds in and listen to music, I feel like that makes me confient in some ways… idk…

Listen to some badass music it seems to help

@HighPockets group

As the ultimate queen, the late, great Carrie Fisher once said:
“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.”


Lucky for you, I tend to have quite a lot of confidence.

The main thing I can say is, if you're doing something big, that you feel may effect your reputation, then play on your strengths. Anything small, play on your weaknesses, as they progress, you will feel your confidence.

If you're right-handed, write with your left for a bit. Wear ankle weights if you have lousy leg-strength, study a bit more in areas you suck at. Do some meditation.

If you want to appear confident, walk slower, take up more space, and smile.

Confidence is usually gained through self-improvement, which is what I'm all about. If you don't like who you are, build a better you, but also stay true to yourself fren.

You got this!

Music is also great for this, but it's overrated. True confidence comes from you.