forum How tf does one actually start writing a novel
Started by @SaltyLasagna

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I've got the whole plot written out, I've got my characters written out, I know everything that I want to happen and I know exactly how I'm going to write the important scenes of the book
But I have no idea how I'm actually going to start this
Please help


i have no idea if this will actually help, but what about starting it from the middle of your novel? try and get readers hooked on the first page, address how the character got to that point ( the middle of the book) and continue from there? i think the hardest part is just starting, which is also why i'd recommend just…starting. even if the beginning if awful, you can always come back and change it. it might be a little easier if you've decided on a narrative structure?


I have no idea what narrative structure means, rip
and yeah the middle of the book would probably be much better. That's when the exciting stuff starts to happen lmao

Deleted user

Some suggestions:

  • Listen to some music that you link with your story.
  • Focus.
  • If you can't write from the beginning, write a random scene then go back to it.
  • Read other book's beginnings.

That's kinda all i have…


I have no idea what narrative structure means, rip
and yeah the middle of the book would probably be much better. That's when the exciting stuff starts to happen lmao

hey, i mean, i just learned it like two weeks ago in my english language class. narrative structures are basically what they sound like, so the way a narrator structures their story to best explain what's happening. some examples would be flashbacks, dual narrator perspectives, circular stories, parallel and frame structures, etc. it sounds more complicated than it is. basically you already know most, if not all, of these, just not the terms for them.

Deleted user

I have no idea what narrative structure means, rip
and yeah the middle of the book would probably be much better. That's when the exciting stuff starts to happen lmao

hey, i mean, i just learned it like two weeks ago in my english language class. narrative structures are basically what they sound like, so the way a narrator structures their story to best explain what's happening. some examples would be flashbacks, dual narrator perspectives, circular stories, parallel and frame structures, etc. it sounds more complicated than it is. basically you already know most, if not all, of these, just not the terms for them.

If i could "like" this comment, i would.

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Pretend its a movie in your head. Write it as you envision how the movie would go. That always helps me


I have no idea what narrative structure means, rip
and yeah the middle of the book would probably be much better. That's when the exciting stuff starts to happen lmao

hey, i mean, i just learned it like two weeks ago in my english language class. narrative structures are basically what they sound like, so the way a narrator structures their story to best explain what's happening. some examples would be flashbacks, dual narrator perspectives, circular stories, parallel and frame structures, etc. it sounds more complicated than it is. basically you already know most, if not all, of these, just not the terms for them.

Oh yeah, I've got that figured out, the story is told in 10 parts, and each part is separated by months. The story is told in the past, and each time a new month starts, it gives a flash(forward? the opposite of flashback?) of the future.


Pretend its a movie in your head. Write it as you envision how the movie would go. That always helps me

I used to do that, but now for some reason it just frustrates me more? Idk lol

Deleted user

Pretend its a movie in your head. Write it as you envision how the movie would go. That always helps me

I used to do that, but now for some reason it just frustrates me more? Idk lol

NOOOOOOOOOOOO. Well I understand because I always get stuck on who would be playing my characters and that's a can of worms that should never bee opened.

@Starfast group

No really. Just start writing. It may not be the best thing you've written, but if this is your first draft (and correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like it is) then it's not going to be perfect anyways. You can always go back and edit/rewrite later.

Starting with the middle is also good advice.