forum How much worldbuilding? is too much worldbuilding
Started by @Va_Vanilla

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I've found myself constantly creating more aspects to my universe rather than actually writing it. Any tips on what motivates you to write?

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

I think the general rule of thumb (that, at least, I follow), is this:

There can never be too much worldbuilding, but there can be too much worldbuilding jammed into your story. Even in LOTR, you don't have worldbuilding jammed down your throat from the get-go – it's a cohesive world (built before writing), but it's slowly revealed as the plot necessitates. Having it built ahead of time avoids a lot of headaches for the writer, but IMO it should be seen as a tool for engulfing a reader in that world, not just dumping worldbuilding docs onto the reader as a story in itself. :)

I like to build worlds and tell stories about the people/places in that world. When your stories live in your world (instead of your world being your story), I don't think any amount of worldbuilding is too much worldbuilding.