forum How much is TOO much?
Started by @NobleWolf

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I'm wondering how in depth I'm supposed to go in my characters' backstories, bc I see people with maybe two or three paragraphs worth of background and here I am writing an essay.

Deleted user

When you get into detail about their individual experiences that don’t affect them at all.

@Toxic_Persephone group

I’d say feel free to go as far as you want. The better you understand your character, the better you can write them. But a backstory doesn’t have to be every detail of their life, just key moments that might have reshaped the way they think or how they act.


I really like them though, because the more you know about a character, the more their actions make sense, and then it gets to a point where you can identify the character's actions as something they would do. Once you reach that point, though, you could stop or keep going. Both are good!