forum How much has your story changed since conception?
Started by @Paperok

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@Starfast group

All my stories have changed a whole bunch since I first came up with them. I could probably write an essay length post outlining all the ways that my stories have changed over the years. Especially with this one project that I have because I first came up with it when I was maybe like 12? I'm 23 now so I've been I've been tweaking this story for 1at least 10 years now.

And with my NaNoWriMo project, I've had the concept since I was maybe 17 or 18. Last summer I made a change to a minor character that was so drastic that it was enough to a) change the entire ending, b) save the aforementioned character from dying in the story , and c) make me want to rewrite the entire story so that this change wasn't just coming out of nowhere. And that was just one change to a character who doesn't have a ton of page time. There have been a whole bunch of other changes as well.

And tbh, I'm kinda tempted to make that essay length post.