forum How do you think the Infinity War sequel is going to go? (aka i need help with my fanfiction)
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Deleted user

I'm writing an IW fanfiction, and my ideas are:
So basically, when Loki was still in New York (in Avengers) he thought that the Avengers were going to kill him when they caught him, so he devised a backup plan - it involved a complicated spell meant to put his consciousness into someone else's body once he dies. He chose my OC, Yoona Kim, because I have this mini headcanon that people who can lucid dream well are also good at magic, and Doctor Strange was already fated (another headcanon that the Ancient One can kind of control fates) to be… you know, Doctor Strange. She was the second most powerful lucid dreamer in the area.
So… he planted… kind of a mental magical 'tag' (you know, like what scientists put on animals to track them and stuff) on Yoona.
But the spell went wrong and he was only able to half be in Yoona's body after he died, because he made the spell with the Mind Stone, and Thanos killed him with the Infinity Gauntlet (with the time stone in it), thus creating a paradox. (And before you ask, no, this is not a Loki x OC story)
So he can only communicate with Yoona during her dreams, and she can only channel part of Loki's magic. This also has to do with the fact that her personality is completely opposite of Loki's.
And if she doesn't "dismiss" him before she wakes up (because by magical law, he's intruding upon her mind and he needs permission), he is in agonizing pain and either melds with the Mind Stone/or his consciousness is scattered across the universe (still working out the kinks). Like the people in the snap, but with x100 more pain.

I'm planning on having him get scattered visions during these moments- but here's where it gets complicated- he can temporarily sharpen his consciousness and go (?) into other people's body, changing reality and the course of time. So the first time, he was in Doctor Strange's body during the "how many times did we win? only one" (i'm paraphrasing here) scene and saw a future where Thor died, which is why he went haywire. Loki also phased in and out for like a couple seconds to minutes during Infinity War and had the opportunity to stop Starlord in the "whoops gamora dead bish" scene, but didn't because he didn't understand what was going on.

Not sure how the rest of the fanfic is going to go? I was thinking that Thanos couldn't use his powers in the quantum realm, they have a plan to lure him there, it kind of/sort of fails and Loki/Yoona is left to battle Thanos in the Quantum Realm forever to prevent him from getting out in the climax. Shuri and the Avengers try and build a portal to go back in and save the two of them. And Loki and Yoona defuse at one point? And they also fuse, as in a complete Steven Universe fusion, at one point to protect Shuri and/or Thor, since they can both agree when it comes to their loved ones? (no thorki, just brotherly bond) Also… I was thinking that Yoona can feel inferior, because she constantly compares herself to Peter (spiderman) and thinks about how she can never live up to him, then have them meet at one point and it's weird for her because she expected someone completely different (she put him on a pedestal) and now knows that he's just a teen struggling to be a hero like her?