forum How do you stick to writing one idea
Started by @Lupout

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In the past three weeks I've been fluctuating between writing three different book ideas and as a result I've accomplished next to nothing. Anyone have any tips?


I don't know… How do you stick to writing one idea? glances at my "story" which is basically just a pile of puked up ideas that I haven't worked on because I'm too busy shipping my characters

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

I also have three different books (not really) and I'm in the same predicament you are in. I guess what you could try to do is just focus on the one you feel most invested/interested in, and write the heck out of that one.

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What do you mean stick to a plot? That’s impossible for me!

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@Starfast group

I don't stick to one idea 😅

I have a few different stories on the go right now, and when inspiration strikes, I just work on whichever one I feel like. It's totally possible to be working on multiple stories at once.

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Lol, that's for sure… If this isn't the best community for the real side of being a writer (AKA writer's block, work-caused depression and stress, this…), I don't know what is!
I'm a firm believer of embracing chaos. For me, this is the idea that you should always have something to write, but 'something' is pretty broad, so that can be one novel you're totally into or 60 pieces you switch off on. It's fine to have more than one thing you're working on. I think the real struggle is learning to finish; I personally always hit a wall and feel like I have to stop. For that, my darling, you just gotta practice. And remember: Mind before material. Your mental state is more important than your material stuff (books and stories)!