forum How do you handle characters with superhuman atrength
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Deleted user

I was gonna put this on the characters forum, but it's just as applicable to worldbuilding and writing. So Gen Chat it is.

Many of my characters have superhuman strength, and I'm incredibly adept at handling it, but the question is, how do you handle it?

@Becfromthedead group

I've only really written one character with superhuman strength, and he was from a collaborative story that never got finished sadly. But I had him 1. for some reason not realize that his strength was abnormal until someone pointed it out 2. accidentally put dents in metal tables and other similar things sometimes 3. be just strong, no sort of invincibility or anything attached

Deleted user

Yeah. I write lots of characters with superhuman strength. Most of the time if they have it at childhood I pull a Shizuo and have them hospitalized until their body becomes tough enough to handle it, and I have them learn to control it in their adolescent years. Many of them are genuinely disliked by their peers and such, because of their strength, so they become kind of cold and edgy.

Of course if it's something that their species has, I make them adept at handling it, and able to withstand the strain it puts on their body.

I also make it accurate according to physics. If they're lifting or otherwise using something monumentally heavy, it will dig their feet into the ground, except for some, who use a "special stance" which is my own bullshit justification for them lifting something too heavy without burying themselves underground. Also, some people have this notion that if you're punched by a person with superhuman strength, you'll go flying, when, unless they're hitting you with spread fingers and an open palm, isn't true. In fact, they would more than likely impale you if they punched you. I also make them leap great distances, but they rarely ever make a fissure under the ground unless they're stomping when they land.