forum How do you feel about online dating??????
Started by @@Rhindy ❤️❤️

people_alt 35 followers

Deleted user

It's fine if you meet online, meet irl, and get in a relationship after that. But if the entire romantic side of the relationship is online with one side not knowing who the other side is or what they're like irl, then I would not support it.

Deleted user

It's fine to me as long as you've been talking to the person for at least two months, voice called and video called. If the person does act weirdly, of course you need to investigate.
To me it's completely possible to be in love with someone you've never touched or seen without the help of a screen.

@HighPockets group

I feel like I could only be in an online relationship if I had concrete evidence I wasn't being catfished by someone, and I'd need to meet the person irl (or videochat but phone calls and face timing make me irrationally anxious so that's a no for me personally)

Deleted user

I feel like I could only be in an online relationship if I had concrete evidence I wasn't being catfished by someone, and I'd need to meet the person irl (or videochat but phone calls and face timing make me irrationally anxious so that's a no for me personally)

(That's understandable, i had those issues too but after doing a crap-ton of calls it kinda faded away. Sometimes facing the cause of anxiety help to cure them.)

@HighPockets group

I feel like I could only be in an online relationship if I had concrete evidence I wasn't being catfished by someone, and I'd need to meet the person irl (or videochat but phone calls and face timing make me irrationally anxious so that's a no for me personally)

(That's understandable, i had those issues too but after doing a crap-ton of calls it kinda faded away. Sometimes facing the cause of anxiety help to cure them.)

(Yeah it's just not for me. I have a hard time hearing/understanding what's being said on the phone)

Deleted user

I feel like I could only be in an online relationship if I had concrete evidence I wasn't being catfished by someone, and I'd need to meet the person irl (or videochat but phone calls and face timing make me irrationally anxious so that's a no for me personally)

(That's understandable, i had those issues too but after doing a crap-ton of calls it kinda faded away. Sometimes facing the cause of anxiety help to cure them.)

(Yeah it's just not for me. I have a hard time hearing/understanding what's being said on the phone)

(That's rough.)