forum How do you delete custom fields?
Started by Jessica Steiner

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Jessica Steiner

I accidentally created a custom set of fields with the wrong name (I was trying to add a field TO the Family section, but just ended up creating a new family section). I also created a custom field with no name. I can't figure out how to delete either of them or rename them. Any help?


To delete a custom field attribute, in editing click on the 3 vertical dots that appear right next to it and hit the delete button. If you delete the last remaining attribute on a custom category, the whole category is deleted. We don't yet have the ability to rename attributes to the best of my knowledge, so deleting everything and starting over is the only way. Hope that helps!

Jessica Steiner

@AmmyPajammy Thanks for your reply! I was able to delete one of the custom categories that way, but the other one I can't even click on. I don't think it has an attribute inside it and it's definitely glitched. I've made a screencap.

As you can see, it doesn't even have a name and it's pushed the text around. When I click on it it doesn't even open.


Well in that case, I have no idea. I've been getting glitches like that myself, and if it doesn't go away on it's on, than you'll just have to do what I'm doing and pray that you get a response back on your official complaint. Other than that, that's the extent of my ability to help. Sorry!

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hey guys, custom fields are something I want to overhaul soon (to add renaming, reordering, allowing you to add them to existing tabs, etc).

However, in the meantime, I just pushed up a fix that'll at least make actually-blank tabs show up as "(blank)", so you'll at least be able to click on them and delete them if you'd like. Sorry about that!

This is how it should show for you now:

@Riorlyne pets

If you delete all the attributes in a category, the category itself will be deleted. (andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) is working on a new system for custom categories and attributes at the moment, so this advice will probably not be relevant next week.)


For some reason when I made a custom category on accident it let me delete it the first time, but now I can't find any way to delete one that I had accidentally made instead of a field. Is there any way to fix this?

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

@octane I'm re-adding the ability to delete entire categories at once real soon, but in the meantime you can delete each field in that category, which will automatically also delete the category when its last field is deleted.