forum How do you correctly represent characters with mental illnesses?
Started by @Maria Reynolds

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@Maria Reynolds

I'm trying to write characters with mental illnesses and learning disabilities, but I'm scared about pushing any stereotypes on them or misrepresenting them. Any suggestions on reputable sites or any advice?

Jesse Graves

To the best of your abilities. If anyone complains, ask them how they'd do it differently. However, don't let the more sensitive out their tell you stuff like "making this crazy person a bad guy is problematic!" Its your story, so if you want to make a mentally ill person a bad guy and it works for your story, then do it. Don't let bullies and sensitive people tell you how to tell your story.


Write mentally ill characters as people, and don't demonize them for their mental illness or make them into one dimensional characters that revolve solely around their illness. Like someone else said, it's okay to make them the villain or antagonist.

But don't fall into the trap of making them inherently evil for being mentally ill and different, and stay away from making them into perfect, can-never-do-wrong angels who were "cursed" with Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder. :P As with any character, they should be well-rounded with both positives and negatives.

Most importantly, do your research! Not just on the medical side of things with symptoms and treatments and such. But look at stories from real people living with whatever mental illness you want to portray. It's great for character inspiration, and it'll help you understand the illness and the people who live with it much better.


as someone who has mental illnesses, I agree with sinklair8. don't make your character degraded because of their illness.