forum How do I write a half-Indian, half black character?
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A character of mine, Dhara Patel, has an Indian mom and a black dad. I wrote her to be the genius who helps Yoon-gi with his superpowers, but I swear, I had no conscious intention of writing her as the "smart Asian". (i'm korean and i really hate that stereotype too lmao) I simply wanted a genius character, in general, to help Yoon-gi, then realized that there weren't enough Indian characters in fiction!
Is it all right if she is more Americanized (atheist, does not wear traditional wear)? And is it normal for black people to not have a "ghetto" accent? Sorry if I'm being unintentionally racist, it's that I live in a very… closed off community and only have two black people in my grade.


Okay so y'all, Tumblr has some really great writing blogs that give tips about this kind of thing, how to write certain races, or how to not write a racist character. Go check it out, see if you can find something!

@Starfast group

I second @thighhighcrocs' advice. There's lots of great people out there on tumblr who are willing to help out writers. There's tons out there, but writingwithcolor is really good for advice on writing different races and might be worth checking out.


Yeah I’m black so I guess I might be able to help??? Lol one thing that seems to come through is the hair texture, so even if this character is mixed chances are the hair is gonna be fluffy. You can describe it in all sorts of ways too. But there really isn’t like a specific personality that most black people have or anything, a lot of us aren’t ghetto and don’t love watermelon and chicken (although I’ve gotta say I LOVE BOTH) if you get what I mean lol