forum How cliche is this plot idea?
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 1 follower

Deleted user

So, i'm thinking of a plot for a new project. !s a story with a mysterious character who changes things and then leaves, (ex. Stargirl) cliche?
(Rambling ahead…)
I'm thinking of a story where a small town gets changed by a mysterious newcomer. Would this be cliche? I have plot twists and characters in mind already, I'd like opinions on this.
If you want to know my whole plan, I'd be glad to tell you.

Deleted user

I would like to know more about it, to really see if it's cliche though.

Deleted user

(From Fern's pov.)
Fern is a librarian in a town I haven't named yet. Dal, works with her in the library.
One day a mysterious man slips into the small town and starts changing things. He creates better houses, destroys a broken well, etc. Dal doesn't like him at all. Fern is okay with him and Kevan stays at the library. (Despite that he's staying with them at the library, he doesn't communicate with them.)
Dal starts telling Fern that Kevan isn't a good man, it's too suspicious. Kevan starts flirting with Fern, making Dal jealous.
Kevan starts trying to buy the lot of another library. The owner refuses all his offers. The next day, the owner ends up dead. Kevan buys the property from a grief-stricken wife and begins his work.
Dal really is upset about this, claiming Kevan killed the owner to get the land. Fern starts getting suspicious also. This happens more and more often with other places Kevan offers for. Kevan gets a warrant and destroys the signature town well. Fern finally confronts him. He claims the water is leaking into the wood of the nearby shops. He gets away with it and the well is relocated and rebuilt.
Fern comes home one day to find Dal dead. He was poisoned. Kevan was confronted by an angry Fern. He didn't do it, he claimed it'd ruin his rep.
Fern investigates both rooms, only to find poison and knives in Dal's room.
He killed the owners of the lots, trying to place the blame on Kevan. In one last final attempt at proving his own innocence, after being caught by a witness the day before. He poisoned himself, placing the blame on Kevan one last time.
Kevan, with his career ruined by rumors, left the town that he worked so hard to rebuild.

Deleted user

That is actually a great plot line! Not cliche at all!

Deleted user

Thank you. I thought of it in the silliest way.