forum how can I be a better person?
Started by @ravens

people_alt 3 followers


(Fyi: this is not a self-hate thread)

I try to be a happy, upbeat, helpful person on this site. But sometimes I feel like I’ve just been hanging around the edges, watching things happen and not giving support.
I should have said something to help this person.
I should have encouraged that person.
I should have congratulated them on their success.

You know the feeling?
So I’m asking you to help me be a better person and a more supportive friend.
And if I’ve offended/insulted/come off as rude to you, please tell me! I know I’ve said things that either are so sarcastic they sound rude or are things I should’nt’ve said. And I’m sorry for that.
also my self esteem’s a little low rn so if you could tell me something you like about me that’d be great


Hello… It goes like this…

  1. Don't be shy, everyone on this site is so kind, and funny, that you needn't worry… If you have advice or knowledge on a subject, speak up, OK? Don't stay silent…
  2. Sometimes empathy goes a long way, if you can't give someone advice, just show them how you feel, and how much you care…
  3. Trust your gut. Your instincts have something to say, so listen, and if you think it's helpful, share it…
  4. Have an imagination… As a writer, this is necessary, so obviously, if you're a writer you've got this down by now… Use your imagination…
  5. Pragmatism is one of the most important traits a helpful person can have, develop your powers of logic, reasoning, and rational thought!
  6. Someone who caves under pressure too easily, can't help others, that's a given! Learn to deal with stress in healthy ways, and pass those ways on to others…
  7. You have to really want it. Do you REALLY want to be a better person? If so, then never stop trying…
  8. Altruism is key to everything… If you're too selfish to help anyone, then well, you're out of luck… That's how it is…
  9. Get inspired! What inspires you to want to help more people? Find that thing, and capture it… Use it to help…
  10. Willpower and a good attitude are what you need… Just trust me…

You have all of these traits within you, and you can use all these methods… But you have to grow as a person before you truly can help people… Practice mindfulness… Read up on the subject… Anything!