forum Homework!
Started by Deleted user

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Deleted user

Who wants to help me with this so I don't fail this class!
Here's the thingy…:
Find and read a science article online that is current (within three months) and write a 4-6 sentence summary about that article. The article can be about any area in science that you are interested in.

I think Imma do this one….

@TeamMezzo group

Don't apologize! Maybe try using the subtitles as a basis? They often can point you in the right direction. You can do two sentences for each section. Does that help?

Deleted user

Thank you for your input!
I got one of my friends to help me write it though!

@Mercury Beta Tester

For this work:

  • What is the author's initial message? What is their topic? (Your initial chosen article would be: 'In this article, [Author name] talks about
  • What are their essential key points? (E.g. 'When looking at the expected feminine and masculine qualities across different cultures, it suggests that gender is a matter of nurture - socialization - rather than nature')
  • What examples and references do they use (E.g. 'The author builds upon their point with feminist theories…')
  • What is their final message?

@Mercury Beta Tester

@"Ho Ho Homicide " Is your chosen article fine? You said it has to be current, but it was written more than 3 months ago. This could be important, you said you don't want to fail the class.

Deleted user

@"Ho Ho Homicide " Is your chosen article fine? You said it has to be current, but it was written more than 3 months ago. This could be important, you said you don't want to fail the class.

I asked my teacher and he said that if it was from this site, it would be okay to use it.