forum Hi, this is my friend's short story she was not able to finish and it was part of her will. So I'm asking people for their thoughts and suggestions so I can finish it.
Started by CrazyCloneGirl123

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Boom. Before her was a flash of light, it sheared through the air and radiated a bright white. It disappeared and it left a column of smoke. Zoe was nearby when this happened and she hurried over to see what just happened.. She scurried over and stopped on the edge not wanting to fall over. What is that? She thought to herself curiously ass she peered over the edge of the crater. The smoke made it hard to see, but she squinted her eyes and managed to make out what looked like a black blob.

“Hello?” She nervously asked.

Her reply echoed down into the massive hole. Suddenly, the black substance shot out to her arm faster than lightning. As she opened her mouth, it slithered into her mouth.
Slowly, it took over her mind and darkened her soul and heart. It felt like you were repeatedly getting your hand slammed against a door and having a really bad fever. She gasped as the pain sheared through her body. Her eyes had turned a sickinning pure black before turning back to normal.

“You will serve me.” The creature whispered softly as it forced itself into her mind.

“No No NO! Get out of my head whatever you are.” She frantically and shook her head, trying to get it out of her head.

She only made it worse as it kept squeezing itself, invading her mind to the point where she had no control..

“You are mine.” It whispered softly as it picked through her thoughts.

Ring, ring. It was the sound of Zoe’s phone ringing, alerting her of a text coming from her best friend, Chris. An evil smile creep up her lips as she responded.

Chris: Hey are you going to the event?

Zoe: Yep, be there in a bit!

Zoe watched horrifically as if it wasn’t even her life.

“No Stop!” She pleaded as she watched herself start walking.

It didn’t respond and it kept walking.


Dear friends,

By the time I am reading this, I am probably dead. I am thanking you for being the friends I needed while I battle my struggled and being there for me. I shall miss all the fun we had, but don't worry I am in a better place now. While I was still alive, I was working on my short story for a writing competition I unfortunately never got to finished. As part of my will, I am asking for it to be finished for an accomplishment I've never got to complete. I am also asking for my little sister to have a better life, a life I never had.

  • Known as @AmericasFavoriteFightingFrenchGirl_LAFFETTE! or @NerdGirl_2.0

@HighPockets group

If you see her before she passes, raise her the Mockingjay Salute for me. It means love, it means admiration, it means a sad goodbye to a loved one. Use Rue’s whistle at the end. Four small notes with so much meaning, just like life. Tell her I will miss her and her writing, and I wish she could see mine. Tell her that she’ll meet Lafayette if she’s afraid. Tell her that I will not forget her. Say goodbye to her from Jynandor for me.

Deleted user

Wait so you mean literally dead? If so that's horrible!


No, We're not sure if she is dead since we are not able to contact her, but incase she ever did die, she wrote a living will just in case.

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No, We're not sure if she is dead since we are not able to contact her, but incase she ever did die, she wrote a living will just in case.

How is she?

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Well hail isn't super deadly, her wifi is probably down.

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Yes, but still she probably is just unable to respond at the moment.

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Yeah, just look up the level of devestation the tornado caused and then get back to the chat.

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What is?

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Okay, maybe I was being a bit hyperbolic, but the backstory of that short story gave me serious Sherlock vibes