forum Hi! I'm New!
Started by @LadyCiel

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Here's some stuff about me ~

My biggest fandom is Sanders Sides(YouTube series by the amazing Thomas Sanders) but I also love

Little Witch Academia
Be More Chill
Fairy Tail
YouTubers such as SSSniperwolf, GioFilms, Aphmau, Shubble, MrBeast, Yourpalross, and Mithzan
Harry Potter(Kinda)

Hobbies ~

Watching YouTube
Scrolling through Pinterest and Amino
Acting(Currently in a magnificent play)

Fun Facts ~

I hate most vegetables
I had cancer when I was little
I'm ace and greygender
I have a problem with making new ocs
Vines are my jam
I hate Reeses cups and a lot of different candies
I'm ambiverted


Hi, welcome!!! I think you'll find that most here are friendly and helpful, and also that this site is pretty useful if you're a scatterbrained person (like me) or if you're just hard pressed on how to world build. In the forums you'll find everything from writing advice to life advice, and a lot of RPs in between.
I'm Beanz by the way! Or Beanzie, it depends. I'm a multi-genre writer, songwriter, and poet who enjoys dragon motifs and the act of petting cats. I'm also always happy to help!

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Hello, I'm Constance, also known as Connie. I'm always open for a chat and willing to critique and help with any writing. You'll find your spot in this site soon. ^~^


Okay well…
Here's some stuff about me ~

I don't think I have a single fandom that is my biggest but I do enjoy:

Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Anime (Naruto, Shingeki No Kyojin, Fullmetal Alchemist, Noragami, Kill La Kill, and many many more)
A Discovery Of Witches

Hobbies ~

Watching movies
Dancing (hip hop and some classical ballroom)

Fun Facts ~

I love cake
I'm a triplet (the only girl!)
English is not my first language. (I speak 5 languages fluently)
I have 7 tattoos
I've lived in 3 countries
I've acted since I was 5, but I prefer directing
I'm ambidextrous


Hello, newbie! People around here call me Shuri! I'd be happy to be your internet friend if you like, and I'd also be happy to show you the ropes! If I'm overstepping myself I apologize! I'm also here if you wanna share any writings! Thanks for your time!

Hi Shuri. It is nice to meet you as well! I would like internet friends… lol


Hello, newbie! People around here call me Shuri! I'd be happy to be your internet friend if you like, and I'd also be happy to show you the ropes! If I'm overstepping myself I apologize! I'm also here if you wanna share any writings! Thanks for your time!

Hi Shuri. It is nice to meet you as well! I would like internet friends… lol

Then you have one on me. You seem like a very interesting, Hicksville person and I'd be delighted to be your internet friend. Happy to help as well!


Hello, newbie! People around here call me Shuri! I'd be happy to be your internet friend if you like, and I'd also be happy to show you the ropes! If I'm overstepping myself I apologize! I'm also here if you wanna share any writings! Thanks for your time!

Hi Shuri. It is nice to meet you as well! I would like internet friends… lol

Then you have one on me. You seem like a very interesting, Hicksville person and I'd be delighted to be your internet friend. Happy to help as well!

I'm not a hundred percent sure what 'Hicksville' means but okay!


Ooooooooh, what languages do you speak? I'm trying to learn Japanese and I've got a few basic words and sentences but that's about it

  1. Romanian (I was born in Romania)
  2. English
  3. Russian
  4. Spanish (The kind from Spain)
  5. Japanese

I'm currently learning French, but it is hard.


I meant to say tasteful but that's just my auto-correct for you. That's embarrassing…

LOL oh man what a fluke! I'm sorry that happened to you, but we can still be friends.


Hello new person Ciel! I'm Ace, but you can also call me Red if it's easier. I'm around the roleplay forums from time to time but if you want to do a one-on-one to get your bearing, just hit me up either here in General or in PM (private message/ inbox).

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I'm Eris the local punky, semi awful Martini Aunt. Welcome to Notebook!

Quick question: Your name is Ciel? How is that pronounced? Does it mean something? Is it short for something?
I have a thing for names sorry if that is two many questions.


Some fun facts about me
I'm part Finnish and part Canadian and my brother and I are the first out of our entire family to be born in America
I used to only speak Finnish when I was younger, but I slowly forgot it and became a fluent English speaker. I can only speak a few words of Finnish now, but I want to relearn it.
I have this weird scar on my thumb from when I was like four.
I LOVE musicals and anime and TV shows and books and yeah
I've been playing the violin since I was five
I'm a pretty okay cook
I love RPing

@HighPockets group

Hi, I'm Jynnie. I'm kind of the weird cat lady aunt of the site. I have a really weird since of humor, I like to ask questions about content you want to see more or less of in books, and I'm ace. Nice to meet you!



I'm Eris the local punky, semi awful Martini Aunt. Welcome to Notebook!

Quick question: Your name is Ciel? How is that pronounced? Does it mean something? Is it short for something?
I have a thing for names sorry if that is two many questions.

Lol Martini Aunt? Opposed to Wine Aunt? I love this.

Well my full name is Ciellamina, but everyone calls me Ciel.
It's pronounced: SEE-ELLE or SEE-ELLE-LA-ME-NAH
My full name is something my mom made up but 'ciel' means 'sky' in French soooo…. there's that.