forum Hi. Help. (Probably shouldn't open this if your own mental state isn't great rn for others' problems)
Started by @Moxie group

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@Moxie group

My ex-friend (who was pretty self-centered and whom being friends with really stressed me out) won't leave me alone even though I've already told her off like a few weeks ago. I don't want to block her cause thats mean but idk what to do . . . she keeps texting me

Deleted user

I've had this problem.
The first thing I did was type out a small pharagraph that asked them to leave me alone and the reasons why (If you wanna do this, I can help you write it) The seccond thing I did when that didn't work, was block them. I also thought this was mean…. But it took care of the problem.

@Moxie group

A few weeks ago I asked her for space and she didn't really get that I just needed space from her until she said she'd give me space but be there for me if I needed her (which she never really has been). And she's been leaving me alone for a while but now she's asking if I showed our texts to people and why I hate or strongly dislike her. My best friend and my boyfriend already told me to block her . . .
I'm just afraid she's gonna confront me at school about it


Blocking isn't mean when it's the last resort to enforce your boundaries. Trust me, I know.

Indeed! If shit gets toxic it's better to block them than put yourself and them in danger. Lee is right!


A few weeks ago I asked her for space and she didn't really get that I just needed space from her until she said she'd give me space but be there for me if I needed her (which she never really has been). And she's been leaving me alone for a while but now she's asking if I showed our texts to people and why I hate or strongly dislike her. My best friend and my boyfriend already told me to block her . . .
I'm just afraid she's gonna confront me at school about it

So bring someone with you a lot…


(This happened between two of my friends in fifth grade and hoo boy there was a lot of drama…)
I think Lex is right, though

Deleted user

If she makes you feel uncomfortable and corners you, deck her and run.


Exactly. Have a buddy with you so she doesn't get the chance to confront you alone. But, most importantly, don't let her use your fear against you. Don't let her see how much it affects you, because if she's as self-centered as you've said, she'll exploit any weakness she is able to see.

Deleted user

Or, learn pressure points. They distract your prey for enough time to run and/or punch the,


Or, learn pressure points. They distract your prey for enough time to run and/or punch the,

Pressure points are only truly practical for opponents who are offguard or stunned. Otherwise just kick her in the groin. That incapacitates most people.


Or, learn pressure points. They distract your prey for enough time to run and/or punch the,

Pressure points are only truly practical for opponents who are offguard or stunned. Otherwise just kick her in the groin. That incapacitates most people.

Or punch her in the tiddies. Those are rather sensitive in my experience.

@Moxie group

Lol this made me smile but I don't want to hurt her. Most of the time she doesn't realize she's being self centered. She's got a lot of issues herself and it makes me feel bad for her and wna tot not hurt her.

I think I'm gonna write something politely telling her to leave me alone and then . . . block her?

@Moxie group

Thanks guys.

One more thing if anyone is willing/able. She asked if I showed her messages to people, and I did only to my close friends who also dislike her. And idk what to say in case someone told her that I showed my friends? Should I just not address that part?