forum Hi!
Started by Marionette87

people_alt 7 followers


My name is Mari (It's my online handle) and I write. A lot. An unhealthy amount, actually. I've been writing for four years now, and have wrote about 600 pages of weird trash. I love to share my stories and I don't mind looking over others for mistakes and possible advice. I'm not professional by any means, but my aunt, whom I live with, is a librarian and her twin sister who we visit often is a professional editor. So, in short, I feel I've got some resources others might not. But, yeah, I'm here to hang out. And if you just wanna chill, that's cool too.


Hey! id love to trade stories and ideas and stuff like that. I think that really cool how writing is in your family. Id love to become friends! feel free to message me :)