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Started by @PL08

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Have you ever written a short story for class that was so good you can't believe you wrote it…?
Every time I read it I amaze myself even more; mostly because I don't really read much and it surprises me how great the story is. I found it to be so good, to where I didn't really want to turn it in. Yet instead, enter it into a contest.
Hi, I am PL08 and I have dyslexia.

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I didn't write my own stories when I was younger, but I did occasionally edit other peoples works. I've learned from their mistakes.
And I only have a mild case of dyslexia, but my mom and others in my family have it strong.

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I have Severe Boredom Syndrome, or SBS. I am a higher form of life, and thus I write. But alas, with petty distractions, I cannot. I am burdened with glorious purpose. (Ha lol not true at all but note the Marvel reference and guess which character I like best.)