forum Hi!
Started by @Oakiin

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Hi guys! I got a little lonely and really was missing you all, so I'm hopping on briefly to let y'all know what I'm up to and to ask after your guys!
Anyone who wants to talk can comment or pm me, either way, I have no social life right now at all xD I'd love to hear from you!

A couple updates on how I've been doing:

  • I've been really great! I've started throwing my entire life into game design, and I'm currently developing my own tabletop game based of the Doom Eternal world. It's a campaign multi-layer that my sisters, mom and I want to play over video calls, since quarantine prevents us from visiting each other. I'm really happy to be doing it, since it gives my life a whole new sense of purpose, and that purpose is doing what I love every day.
  • Our sweet little angel baby cat got into a fight recently, since he's a little lacking in both dexterity and wisdom, and he had a massive hole fight over his spine, which was scary. Unfortunately, because of his thick fur and tough-guy attitude, we never noticed until it got infected and his back was really tender, so he wouldn't let us pick him up. Glad to say that he's healing really quickly now that we know it's there, and the infection cleared up in two days. He's quite frustrated, being trapped inside, but we're trying to keep him entertained.
  • I still have my boy Dakota out at the horses, but I'm still unsure as to whether I want to sell him or not. He's really, really sweet, and he's got some pep for an old guy xD I quite love him, and he's started to trust me a lot more as well. He actually whinnies at me when he see me now, which melts my little heart TwT I'll have to talk to my boss about it, and see, because I'm just falling more and more in love with him.
  • Annnnd lastly, I tried to write 50k in one day, just challenge myself and see if I could. And while I missed that mark by a wide margin, I actually wrote just over 20 thousand words in about twelve hours. I'm going to try again sometime, because I definitely think reaching 25k is entirely possible. I'm quite proud of that, and if I orchestrated it better in the future, i think I could up that by at least another 5 or 10k.

But enough about me, how are you guys?? What's going on with y'all? I've been really missing everybody, I'm excited to catch up ^^

@Anemone eco

Hey! I'm glad you're doing great, but sorry about your cat. The rest is very good though! And 20k words? That's fricking amazing! Great work! :)

I've been alright. Really tired and kinda in pain, but managing. I haven't really done anything interesting in recent times. I missed you too though, it's nice to see you!


Hi! :D
Yeah, it was pretty scary for a little bit there. But he's getting better every day <3 And thank-you! :D I'm very proud of myself, though quite fried today xDD

I'm sorry to hear you're hurting! :( But I'm glad you're otherwise ok. Take care of yourself! I hope you feel better soon.
Hopefully we can catch up a little bit, I'm quite happy to be back for a little bit ^^