forum hi,,
Started by @brb

people_alt 47 followers


lets talk, about anything you want! im bored and lonely and need friends…


get some rest, take care of yourself so you dont feel so tired!
and as for me, yikes, quite the opposite really, im in a bit of trouble at school.
how about you?


hah sorry i just got out the shower
when is your school out? mine ends in may, so i keep telling myself, just 5 more months


spits water you guys get out in May?

only cause it starts at the beginning of august not always that fun lmao trust me


Mine is May also, but late May. And you're fine!
But I mean, I'm kinda enjoying school, just a little.

yeah! school can be fun without all the drama surrounding it lmao


what will ya'll be doing over the summer (other than school work)?