forum Hhmmmm....this is interesting.......not(or maybe it is, who knows)
Started by @Natasha

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Since no one will look at this thread anyway, I'll just put this here bc it's not that good.
Tyler's face was screwed in a worried expression as he looked down at Sydney. It's my fault that she's hurt. His fingertips brushed her jaw lightly. "Tyler, I'm okay. I'll be fine."
"No, you're not okay. Sydney you got hurt, an it's my fault." Tyler said with a frown. "Tyler look at me. In this line of work we get hurt sometimes. It's not your fault." Sydney said, tilting Tyler's face to look at her. "Syd I can't lose you again!" Tyler whispered. Then he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers.


Lol well thanks! It's not completely formed bc I had to run off to do something, I'll continue it in a minute.


But I shall continue anyway since this will be ignored anyway
Sydney squeaked, shocked and unsure what to do. But she somehow found herself kissing him back, her arms wrapped around his neck. After Tyler pulled away, the two did nothing for a few seconds, merely staring at one another. Then Tyler wrapped his arms around her waist and dropped his head onto her shoulder. "You scared me." He whispered. Sydney hugged him tightly. She was slightly worried by his sudden change of attitude. "And you scared me, all with that dramatically jumping from the rafters."
"I can't help it." He continued to whisper. "I saw you in pain and couldn't stop myself."


Sydney smiled, burying her face in Tyler's shoulder. The cool fresh air blasted through the small shuttle's open door. She lifted her injured leg slightly, wincing in pain. Tyler quickly pulled away from her and alone his arms under her, picking her up like a princess. "All things aside," He said, looking into her eyes as he carried her over to where he had put the medical supplies. "I think it's safe to say that Peyton and Damian are going to kill us when they find us." He set her down gently and grabbed a bandage. He raised his eyebrow and looked at Sydney. "Is it weird that I'm glad my dad forced me into medical training?"


(I wanna give you just a little context though. Sydney was captured and Tyler went to save her, but the homing beacon got destroyed so now they're stranded in a meadow in a shuttle/ship/pane whatever you would call it.)


clears throat Meeaaannnnn whhhiillleeeee back at S.R.Y.A.D. Headquarters aka the gigantic helicarrier/turtle looking thing in the sky………
Damian sat cross-legged on a table, silently watching Peyton pace. "Peyton I'm sure they're fine."
"Dami, Syd could be dead for all we know. And with the added fact that we've lost contact with the shuttle–" Damian hopped off the table and put her hands on his shoulders. She looked into his eyes. "Peyton look at me. Tyler is my twin brother. And even though I haven't known him for that long, I know for a fact that he won't let anything happen to Sydney. He loves her just as much as we do." Peyton gave Damian a tiny nod. " I know Damian I know. " He said softly. "As long as we're on the subject, I need to tell you something." I can't believe I'm actually going to tell her this….
"Yeah anything. Is something wrong?" Damian asked, her face masked with concern.
What is he going to tell her? Do you have a guess?


I know, this is also more or less necessary and trust me, with the book, this takes a long time and it's like…..obvious that they both like each other but they're best friends and then it kind of becomes a 'who will break the friend-zone' while the others are slamming their heads against the walls. Even Parvati and Renita ship them and they're 40 and 60 year old British ladies that run S.R.Y.A.D.