forum Hey vegetarion folk.. tips for someone wanting to quit meat/lessen how much I eat of it??
Started by @KalamariCakes

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I've done some research on climate change, I didn't even realize how big an impact that farming animals for meat has on climate change. So to do what I can to help, I want to try and at least lower my meat intake. It'll be hard for me to give up fried chicken and milk, but luckily I already have close to no desire for red meats like steak, beef, and bacon.
Any input would be appreciated!


At the moment I don't know what to say other than "don't become my best friend's mom and post pictures of cooked carrot hot dogs on Instagram making everyone die on the inside", but my mom might have some tips (she went vegan for two months as a challenge of some sort)


Okay, I recently became vegetarian so here are my tips:

  • Slowly cut down on meat. Cut one food out of your diet a week
  • MAKE SURE YOU ARE GETTING ALL OF YOUR VITAMINS (This one is very important. Look into getting a multivitamin to make up for the iron and protein you will be loosing. Eat lots of spinach, it's rich in iron. Eggs, greek yogurt, and peanut butter are rich in protein.
  • I don't understand if you are becoming vegetarian or vegan, but if you are vegan drink almond/cashew/coconut milk. It takes a while to get used to, but it's good,
  • Try BOCA or other meat substitutes made with soy. Some people like them, some don't. I recommend the chicken burgers though, they taste just like breaded chicken sandwiches.
  • Talk to your family about making more vegetarian-friendly meals

@HighPockets group

  • Oh yeah, BOCA is super good! I'm not vegetarian, but I have friends and family members who are. I'm actually a bit Paleo myself, it's called the Plant Paradox eating plan.
  • Tofu isn't as gross as people say it is. It does, however, soak up oil like a sponge so be careful if you fry it.
  • Find good recipes for your family members so you're not just eating a different meal from them every night.