forum Hey, so I'm not going to be on here much
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 6 followers

Deleted user

Yeah. I apologize my friends. I'll still be on, just much less than usual. I feel especially bad for the rps I'm in…
But I'll tell the truth
I really haven't been taking care of myself lately. I keep forgetting to put on my medicine, I'm skipping my meals and sometimes not eating (Or uh… drinking even) for an entire day, my anxiety is getting worse, etc…
I'm not saying you all are in the wrong, because I'm the problem. It's just… fixing yourself up can be a little time consuming. …Gosh, I feel so selfish right now…
Again, I'm sorry.
I love you all.

@Imperfect_Autumn group

Aw… Please don't feel bad about needing to take care of yourself! I'm sure everyone on here understands that you and your outside life come long before this website!

Deleted user

I understand, so go out there and take care of yourself!

@Rvan group

Don't worry about it, Take care of yourself first and don,t feel bad at all for taking some time off, I hope you feel better!